Body Fitting
Fill in the fitting form as accurately as you can. It's easier if you have a special friend to help you with some of the measurements.
Please submit the body measurements in millimeters only, it's not the 1970s.
There’s help below the form if you’re unsure of how to take the measurements. It’s worth taking the time to read over this anyway.
height - A
Your height should be measured in bare feet (you can keep your socks on if it's cold). The best way to do this is with your back to a wall. Get a friend to rest something horizontally on your head, get it to touch the wall then make a mark on the wall. Anything stiff will work for this, I'm a fan of the plastic chopping board but a book works too. Just make sure to mark where the bottom of the thing touches the wall, not the top. Then measure from the mark down to the ground.
torso - B
Measurement B I call 'torso' in my system but since it includes your legs, that's not really accurate. Think of it as your height but if you didn't have a head. It's quite tricky to get this one right. You need to measure from the ground up (bare feet again) to that little notch at the bottom of your throat.
The 'sternal' notch in fact. You can use a similar technique to doing your height but face the wall this time and you can use a pencil held horizontally in the notch to make a mark, then measure down.
inside leg - C
C is your inseam or inside-leg. This isn't the same things as the measurement you'd use for buying trousers so don't just put that. Here's my suggestion for measuring your inside-leg. Stand (bare or stocking feet) with your back to a wall. Grab a book, put it between your legs and push it up into your groin so the spine is facing up and the edge of the book is touching the wall. Mark where the spine of the book is touching the wall and measure from there down to the ground. That's your inseam. Nobody ever pushes the book up far enough on the first go so try it again and try to get a bigger number. Use the bigger number on the form.
femur - D
D is pretty much the same as C (inseam) but this time you should be on your knees. It'll be easier if you face the wall.
arm - E
You really do need a friend to help with arm length. You need to stretch your arm out to the side and grab a pencil or pen or similar in your fist. You then need to shove a tape measure right into your armpit as far as it goes and measure straight out to where the pen or pencil is.
shoulder - F
F is shoulder width and is the distance between those two sort of knobbly bits on the shoulder.